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Is Dental Insurance worth it?

As with all insurance, having dental insurance allows you access for essential preventive care and lowers your costs for other procedures which helps you maintain\ your overall health and well-being. Individuals covered by dental insurance have more consistent dental care which leads to better health outcomes overall.

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Health Insurance: The Basics

Health insurance is designed to protect you and everyone covered under your plan from the astronomical costs of medical services you may need when you are sick or injured. You choose a plan, whether that be an individual plan through the marketplace or during your company’s open enrollment, that best suits you based on cost and specific coverages, such as deductible, specialist visits, emergency room costs, or prescription coverages.

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What is COBRA?

COBRA is the Consolidated Ombinus Budget Reconciliation Act that has been around since 1986. Since that’s quite a mouthful, let’s stick to the acronym: COBRA. It’s purpose is to give employees and their families who lose medical, dental, and vision coverage, the right to continue benefits provided by that employer for limited periods of time under a number of circumstances.

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